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创新设计大赛 | 2010-11-29 16:32:53    阅读:3759   发布文章



  Novel body-gesture driven human computer interaction system with haptic vibration feedback

  This project using acceleration sensor, vibration motor and USB and superordination machine to construct a communications with the human body movements tactile feedback vibration testing system of three-dimensional human-machine interaction. This system consists of four groups of the same test module and a central processing module. Testing modules including rf communications, acceleration sensor and vibration motor can be put in human limbs (elbow or knee longitudinal side), used to provide information and tactile vibration body movements feedback information. Based on embedded processor of central processing module and test driver module based on wireless data communication mode. The central processing unit collects by eight accelerometer data transmission of human body, through the movement of body of data processing, and recognition of the specific virtual scene multimedia graphic picture) (the different vibration information feedback, to build a touch of human-computer interaction based on the body. The central processing unit can be supplied with a PC or television interface, so as to realize education and entertainment, including games, multiple applications.

