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创新设计大赛 | 2010-11-29 16:24:06    阅读:1888   发布文章


  借鉴于任天堂Wii、微软XBOX 360、Sony Playstation3等实时互动性游戏的成功经验,我们基于ADI的MEMS加速度传感器 ADXL345BCCZ-RL制作“超越时空的紫禁城”控制器,对“角色”进行实时操作。以基于ARM7内核的ADuC7026微控制器由无线模块读取绑定于用户身上的加速度传感器中的加速度信息,经过相关算法处理,还原出用户的动作,建立虚拟动作追踪人体模型,并将其转换成对“角色”的控制信息,推入等待发送的堆栈中,利用ADuC7026模拟出PS-2协议传送给PC机,达到控制“角色”的目的。此系统得到的虚拟动作追踪人体模型稍加修改即可广泛应用于各种实时互动游戏、虚拟空间体验等,具有广阔的市场前景。

  Learning from the Nintendo Wii, Microsoft XBOX 360 and Sony Playstation3s 'experience in the success of real-time interactive games, we make " The Forbidden City Beyond Time and Space" controller to control the "role" in real-time operation based on MEMS accelerometer ADXL345BCCZ-RL .We use microcontroller ADuC7026 based on ARM7 core to read the acceleration information of the acceleration sensor bound to the user through wireless module. Through the processing of correlation algorithm, we can reproduce the user's action and create a virtual human model to track body 's action, then convert it into the controlling information of the "role". Combined with wireless handheld mouse and virtual keyboard 's output information which is to be sent into the stack, ADuC7026 will simulate an PS-2 agreement to PC.As a result, the "role" can be controlled easily. This human model system tracking virtual action can be widely used in various real-time interactive games, virtual space experience, etc, which is bound to have great market value.

