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创新设计大赛 | 2010-11-29 14:13:25    阅读:1883   发布文章



  Vehicle Automatic Parking System

  In this project, we design an embedded Vehicle Automatic Reversing Parking System based on scanning ultrasonic distance measurement as well as magnetometer/accelerometer attitude measurement. The ultrasound scanning devices are mounted around the vehicle, to obtain the size and location information of the parking place through multipoint measurement, while the magnetometer and accelerometer give the vehicle heading direction. The main control unit, BF537, will give out an ‘optimal path into place’ after calculating the above information, then control the car to move the into the parking place safely. In this project, we parking the car successfully when the car is perpendicular to the carport. But we have not designed how to parking the car when it in parallel with the car port because the deadline is approaching. That will be discussed in our next study.


