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创新设计大赛 | 2010-11-29 10:28:42    阅读:1774   发布文章



  Noninvasive haemoglobin measuring system based on Dynamic Spectrum Theory

  Anemia significantly threatens peoples’ health. The content of haemoglobin is an important index which evaluates the rate of anemia patients and the iron status. Themeasurement of haemoglobin shows a great value in clinical diagnoses. Based on Dynamic Spectrum Theory, this design uses ADSP-BF506F as the core microcontroller which has the powerful data processing ability.The design gets the photoelectric pulse waves of different wavelengths by the method of modulation and demodulation. Applying the frequency domain analysis calculates the fundamental component of the pulse wave to realize the measurement of haemoglobin. The design of the system software and hardware was basically completed, which lays a good foundation for the noninvasive measurement of haemoglobin entering the clinical application. More importantly, the system can be applied to noninvasive glucose detection.

